Friday, May 15, 2009


It just seems wrong to use a straw more than once. Unless it is one of those solid plastic ones that are dishwasher-friendly. I don't even know what kind of resins are used for those. I once received a gift of a package of silly straws from a friend who said he'd gotten them from a dollar store. While they were attractive, I opted to not use them. They came from a dollar store, which led me to wonder if they were sold to the store from the original manufacturer or distributor because they were on a recent recall list due to high levels of lead, but the dollar store buys stuff like that sometimes because I don't think they read the news. Or maybe they don't care. But, if a store did knowingly buy something that was recalled, that's pretty shitty to buy it and try to sell it to un- or underinformed shoppers. Or maybe they know that people know that the junk is there for single uses, like decorations for a party. With this in mind, perhaps they think the person acknowledges this and feels that the tradeoff of minimal exposure to the risk posed by the product is worth it for the low price.

I didn't know if they were recyclable or not since there was no resin id code on the rather vanilla package, so I just threw them away.

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